The football party finally started at Ekerbergsletta

Norway Cup 2018.Palestinian team during the opening ceremony for Norway Cup 2018.Photo : Berit Roald / NTB scanpix

30,000 players spread over 1,900 teams from 50 different nations are ready to play. On Saturday the gigantic Norway Cup tournament started.At the same time, the rain came.


The tournament opened with a parade and show on Saturday evening.On the stage were Emma, Ezzari, Vidar Villa, Jens, Ruben, Ylva, Emilie Adams, Alexx Alexxander, and Daniel Owen.

This year, for the second consecutive year, a North Korean team will participate in the tournament. The question is if the boys 16 team will roll over all opponents, like the girls 14 team from the same school in Pyongyang did last year.

“This is a great opportunity for us, and the boys will do their best.We have great expectations,” said the North Korean team’s captain to NRK news.


‘’Some teams and players will receive extra attention. For example,the team of Marcus and Martinus and teams from places like North Korea.

These teams have their own spokespersons, and people with a press background follow them up, and can say when enough is enough,’’ Norway Cup General Secretary, Tony Isaksen told NTB news on Saturday.

A Palestinian team is also included in the Norway Cup, but Isaksen is sorry that an Iranian girl’s team were denied a visa to Norway, and thus were not asked.

“To experience other views on the world is important for Norwegian youth.It is educational and helps create understanding. I think the same goes for those who come here, who experience Norwegian and Western values, and that there are other ways to think’’, said Isaksen.

Thunder and rain

In earlier years, heavy rain has led to mud baths.This year, the drought and record heat have led to hard pitches, and there are hopes of rain to soften the grass pitches.

After desert conditions a couple of weeks ago, it has now started to get better, thus less risk of injury.The heat may, however, lead to overheating, and the team leaders are therefore equipped with buckets, sponges and salt tablets while the organisers have extra water taps and showers.

Already on Saturday, however, rainfall came across the metropolitan area, and also on Sunday when the games kicked off, there were reports of thunderstorms and rain. The temperature will also fall down to the 20’s.


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