Commuters must get refunded after delays

train commuters waitingWaiting for a Train in Japan. Photo: Aogu Fujihashi / Unsplash

Train commuters must get refunded after delays

NAF believes that a commuter warranty must be introduced that automatically refunds commuters when the train is delayed.


When several towns impose restrictions on car traffic, it is important that public transport is adequate, says Communications Adviser in NAF, Ingunn Handagard, to NRK.

NAF wants the Norwegian authorities to introduce the same regime that exists in Denmark. In Denmark, registered commuters are automatically refunded if the train is not been as punctual as the agreement with the authorities requires it to be. In Denmark, the train company DSB paid out DKK 22 million to passengers being delayed last year alone.

Simple App to complicated in Norway

As a comparison, NSB forked out a mere NOK 1.8 million in refunds to Norwegian passengers due to delays.

The Norwegian Railway Directorate’s Head of Communications, Svein Horrisland, says it is considered that the Danish scheme is too complicated and expensive to be implemented in Norway, but he believes that the competition for operating railroads will lead to better arrangements.


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