In the last ten years, the number of old-age pensioners abroad has increased by 73 %. Four out of ten recipients are Norwegian citizens.
We see that more and more people from other countries have worked in Norway for some years and earned the right to retirement pension from Nav. This is especially true for citizens of the EU / EEA countries. In addition, a large number of Norwegians choose to move to other countries after taking out old-age pensions, says section manager Ole Christian Lien of Nav.
In 2009, there were 27,900 retirement pensioners living permanently or temporarily in other countries. In 2018, 48,400 retirees lived abroad, an increase of 73 %.
A total of NOK 4.4 billion was paid to old-age pensioners abroad. The three countries that received the most were Sweden, Spain and Denmark, with 1.5 billion, 517 million and NOK 427 million respectively.
Four out of ten pension recipients abroad are Norwegian citizens. These received 63 % of pension payments abroad.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

Very nice to respeckt people who work in Country,and have rights to have pension….Absoliutely nice,to understand they are free human and can live where they wont…Nice.