Tryg Forsikring discourages all foreign travel. They believe people risk being stranded as a result of the coronavirus
The background is that more and more countries are making quick decisions that are of great importance to travelers.
– “In the worst case scenario, you can get stuck out in the world if the country you are staying in closes down airports or other transportation options,” says communications manager Ole Irgens in Tryg Forsikring.
He also points out that when there is a great flow of people, there is also a great risk of infection.
The insurance company still covers treatment if you are infected while traveling.
– “We cover treatment and help you home if you need to be evacuated. If you are placed in quarantine while traveling, you will be covered for extended stays and postponed return. If you have to cancel a trip because you are in quarantine in Norway, whether you are sick or healthy, this is also covered by the insurance,” he says.
At the same time, Tryg Forsikring strongly warns against traveling to countries that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs recommends against. Tryg points out that air traffic to and from the most vulnerable areas is already coming to a complete halt.
– “Changes happen so quickly that you risk being stranded if you go abroad now. Stay home until the situation becomes more stable,” says Irgens.
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