Half a million with economic challenges

Economic Norway PovertyAround 500,000 people in Norway face serious economic difficulties. Photo: Pixabay.com

Nav report says half a million Norwegians live with economic challenges

Children of families with immigrant backgrounds, single parents, and young adults are the groups in Norway with the greatest economic problems in their daily lives according to a new report from Nav.


Nav showed that people with low incomes often have poorer health, more often live alone, and have less social contact than those above the low-income threshold.

According to the report, about 145,000 people live in households where debt management is a recurrent problem. 370,000 people experience not having financial security. If you also include close family members, more than 500,000 people live with daily financial challenges.

The report, “Low Income and Living Conditions in Norway”, states that Norway is one of the countries in the world with the least inequality, but that income differentials have increased since 2009.

One reason is increased capital income for those at the top of the income ladder, and modest growth for those who are at the bottom. Another reason is increased immigration.

Jobs important

“Since many immigrant groups have lower occupational participation than the rest of the population, increased immigration leads to a larger percentage of low income. The risk of low income is five times higher in households without a stable connection to the labour market’’ said knowledge director in Nav, Yngvar Åsholt.

From 2011 to 2016, the percentage of people with sustained low income from EU targets increased from 7.7 to 9.4%. Of the 101,000 children in households with sustained low income, 54.5% come from immigrant families according to the report.

Last year, 1.7% of the population received financial social assistance. Immigrants accounted for almost 52% of all social assistance recipients of working age. This proportion has increased considerably in recent years, partly as a result of increased immigration.

Low-income families

There has also been an increase in the number of children in low-income families without an immigrant background. According to the report, the highest percentage of low income in families with children are in Oslo and lowest are in Rogaland and Troms.

“Children in low-income families experience first and foremost that they do not have the same social benefits as other children. Leisure activities and holidays stand out.

The report mentioned that it weakens the possibility of developing language and social skills when children can not participate in the same way as others.

Young adults

Previously, there was a larger percentage of the elderly among low-income persons. This has changed as a result of better pension rights


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