“The heads of the electricity companies should definitely not take out bonuses for 2021,” Geir Pollestad, the parliamentary deputy leader of the Center Party, stated on Sunday.
He believes that it would be “very inappropriate” to pay out bonuses to the management of the country’s electricity companies in the current situation.
“We have a serious situation for people and businesses, with high electricity prices. It would be very inappropriate to have a ‘bonus party’ in the electricity companies,” he told Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK).
Pollestad: Easy to make a profit with high sky-high electricity prices
Pollestad believes that the management is not responsible for the earning results of the country’s electricity companies since it is easy to make a profit when prices are as high as they are now.
However, he admits that neither the government nor the Norwegian parliament (Storting) can instruct the companies to change the bonus agreements that are in place.
“So now, we are giving a clear signal… County municipalities and municipalities largely own the electricity companies, so we also encourage the owners to address this,” Pollestad said.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayFinance
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