The working life barometer for 2020 shows that Norwegians would rather take a lower paying position than move if they lose their job, Aftenposten reports.
The employee organization YS presents the working life barometer for 2020 on Tuesday. It turns out that Norwegians are very attached to where they live.
When asked what they would do if they lose their job, 47.2 percent answer that it will be relevant to take a lower paid position, while 23.9 percent are willing to change residence to get a new job, writes Aftenposten .
The survey was conducted in April, while the Norwegian unemployment figures went up. Almost 3,000 workers have participated.
– “Norwegians are without a doubt residents. It is a challenge that not everyone wants to change residence to get a new job. At the same time, it is understandable, considering the consequences for established families,” says YS leader Erik Kollerud to the newspaper.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
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