In July, close to five people were injured every day on an electric scooter. A total of 337 people were injured in such accidents from April to July, 21 of them serious.
207 men and 130 women were injured on an electric scooter between April 1 and July 31, figures from the Injury ward and the Emergency room at Ullevål Hospital show.
The average age is 30 years.
Most were injured in July. 149 people suffered injuries in electric scooter accidents, which is equivalent to 4.8 injuries per day. In June there were 108 injuries, in May 46 and in April 34.
A total of 21 were seriously injured and 71 were moderately injured. 245 people suffered minor injuries. Among the serious injuries there were three head injuries and 18 fracture injuries.
During the same period, Oslo’s Casualty unit registered a total of 22,413 injuries, of which 198 were injuries with scooters without electric motor.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
On Scooters or BY them because I’m getting tired of jumping out of the way!