Much abuse against children is never uncovered

child abuseMany cases of child abuse is never uncovered - even in Norway. Photo:

Much abuse against children in Norway is never uncovered

Lack of resources means that many cases of violence or child abuse are never uncovered. This is revealed in a report from Bufdir.

The report states that interdisciplinary teams are important in revealing violence and abuse of children, but that there are too few of them, reports NRK.

If there is a clear suspicion that a child is exposed to violence or abuse, this must be reported to the police or the child welfare service. Often the suspicion is, however, pretty vague, and those who are worried about a child may need to discuss the matter. In such cases, the interdisciplinary advisory teams are important supportive resources.

“We believe that several more cases had been revealed if such consulting teams had been a real nationwide offer,” Senior Researcher at the Norce research institute, Mildrid Tonheim, comments.

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Lack of central steering

The report reveals that there is a lack of central management of the teams and that a missing and unclear division of responsibility leads to a poor offer. There are, at the same time, huge regional differences. The vast majority of the teams are found in Hordaland and Rogaland.

The evaluation has been commissioned by the Child, Youth and Family Directorate (Bufdir).

“Bufdir will continue to work on the recommendations from the report. Among other measures, consider whether there should be government guidelines for the scheme,” Head of Department at Bufdir, Tove Bruusgaard, promises.

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