Ålesund Municipality closed the Toldboden restaurant for breach of infection control rules, and the company behind it is reported to the police.
On Thursday, twelve new cases of infection were reported in the Municipality. Two of the cases are linked to Toldboden, which was closed on Thursday for violating the infection control rules.
“We have never had so many infected before in Ålesund. These are mainly transmission routes that originate from Toldboden,” Mayor Eva Vinje Aurdal noted.
Eight of the cases on Thursday were linked to the outbreak at Vard Brattvåg, while one case is probably related to an outbreak associated with Stranda Municipality.
The likely Stranda Municipality case currently has an uncertain route of transmission. The person in question is isolated, and the close contacts of the person have been quarantined, the Municipality stated.
Toldboden tips
The mayor says that the Municipality has received a lot of disturbing tips about infection control at Toldboden. According to the Municipality, the restaurant has shown gross negligence by not following the infection control rules to a sufficient degree.
The restaurant must be closed for one week, and the company responsible for Toldboden has been reported to the police for violating the infection control rules.
According to the Municipality, at least 53 cases of infection in Ålesund and other municipalities are associated with the outbreak at Toldboden.
The people behind Toldboden did not want to comment on the case to Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK).
Ålesund, Sula, and Giske recently introduced strict corona measures. Among other things, cultural and entertainment venues had to close down, and events and alcohol-serving were restricted. The measures apply until May 10.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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