A total of 254 new corona-infected people have been registered in Trondheim in the last 24 hours – a new daily record in the Municipality.
Out of the total, 70 newly infected people are under 20 years of age. If you add up to those under 30, the number rises to 150. Only 13 of the newly infected are 60 years or older, the Municipality stated in a press release on Wednesday.
A total of 841 PCR tests were carried out in Trondheim on Tuesday.
On Wednesday morning, seven patients with COVID-19 were admitted to St. Olav’s hospital in Trondheim, the same number as the day before.
Two of the patients are in the intensive care unit, both on a respirator.
A total of 25 corona-related deaths has been registered at St. Olav’s hospital. The last death was registered on Saturday.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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