It’s official: Norwegian society to reopen on Saturday at 4 PM

Photo: Javad Parsa / NTB

The Norwegian society will reopen almost completely on Saturday, Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) announced at a press conference on the corona situation on Friday.

Both the Norwegian Directorate of Health and the National Institute of Public Health recommended the reopening, and the government is following their recommendation.

“I do not think everything will be exactly the same as it was before. I think that what we have been through will affect us for the rest of our lives, for better or worse,” Solberg said.

Thorough assessment

She pointed out that infection rates are falling, that hospital admissions have leveled off, and that the government expects large parts of the Norwegian population to be fully vaccinated within a few weeks. 

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI) also believes that there is little risk that the epidemic will get out of control, cause a significant disease burden or threaten the health service’s capacity.

“This is the reason why the government, after a thorough assessment, has come to the conclusion that tomorrow at 4:.00 PM we will move on to a normal everyday life,” Solberg said.

Both the Norwegian Directorate of Health and the National Institute of Public Health have recommended the reopening, and the government is following their recommendation.

The one-meter rule ends on Saturday 

The requirement to keep one meter of distance from others will be abolished from Saturday at 4 PM.

“The meter no longer applies. We can then be together in the same way as before,” Solberg added.

The abolition of the one-meter requirement is part of the government’s reopening step titled “A normal everyday life with increased preparedness.”

Full reopening for sports 

There will also be a full reopening for sports on Saturday at 4 PM, Solberg confirmed at the press conference.

Thus, it will again be possible to have packed stands and full halls after a year and a half with strict restrictions.

“A full reopening is an extremely important milestone and something we have been waiting for all along. I have great faith that this will go well, and I am completely optimistic on behalf of culture, sports, and volunteering,” Minister of Culture Abid Raja (V) stated.

Entry restrictions for EU/Schengen, the UK, and purple countries

The Norwegian government will relax entry restrictions from the EU/Schengen, the UK, and so-called purple countries from Saturday at 4 PM.

Purple countries are on the EU’s so-called third country list, which have infection situations that provide a basis for somewhat milder entry rules to Norway. Travelers from purple countries will also avoid quarantine hotels when they arrive in Norway in the future.

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health and the Norwegian Directorate of Health have recommended that the government lift entry restrictions from these countries relatively quickly.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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