Sylvi Listhaug pointed her finger at Tahir-ul-Qadri
Minister of Immigration, Sylvi Listhaug (Frp), pointed her finger at theologist Tahir-ul-Qadri when she addressed Muslim youth in a rally against extremism on Friday.
– Too many young people have been killed in cold blood in the name of Allah, was the introduction of Friday’s speech. Listhaug continued by listing up the many cities where extremists have conducted terrorist acts.
Furthermore, she puts a large responsibility on the Muslim community to fight such extremism, praising initiatives such as the Minhaj-ul Quran summer camp to put extremism in the limelight.
Main speaker talks with two tongues
At the same time, she warned that she was fully aware that there are “wolves disguised as sheep”, people she believes to state one thing in public and something quite different behind closed doors.
– This has been brought to the surface numerous times before, and I register that several newspapers have disclosed that today’s main speaker at this event shows a set of attitudes in the West, and another one entirely at home, she says.
– Is today’s keynote speaker really in favour of stoning as a punishment? The death penalty for blasphemy? That Islamic laws should be supersede western laws? This is not consistent with Norwegian and Western values. I’m curious about the lecture that is to follow mine, she continued.
Religion of peace
The Canadian-Pakistani theologist Tahir-ul-Qadri, who is the main speaker of the event, became internationally known when he presented a “Fatwa against Suicide bombing and terrorism”.
The movement he founded, who also arranged Friday’s event, looks at themselves as moderate Muslims who will uphold the basic principles of Islam, while also adapting.
Pakistan’s ambassador to Norway pointed out in her statement that Islam is the religion of peace and that she does not like it to be called radical and militant.
– It hurts me when Islam is called a radical and militant religion. Islam is a religion of peace. It’s our challenge to show the world what Islam is, says Pakistani Ambassador Riffat Masood.
Against extremism
About 500 Muslim youths from all over Europe are gathered at the event in Sarpsborg. The lions share come from Norway, but large groups also come from Denmark and Sweden in addition to representatives from eight other countries.
Present was also the Liberals Deputy Leader, Abid Raja, extremist researchers from PST and former county councilor in Østfold, Ole Haabeth. In addition to Pakistan’s Ambassador; her Iranian counterpart was also present.
Østfold County is not randomly chosen. From a single street in Fredrikstad, a number of young men traveled to Syria to wage war.
© NTB Scanpix / Norway Today