Norwegian health official: It could take a year before we can live more normally

Espen Rostrup NakstadPhoto: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB

Assistant health director Espen Rostrup Nakstad told newspaper VG that it could take some time before life returns to pre-corona ways, even after a vaccine is ready.

“If everything goes as one hopes with a vaccine, people could live more normally without strict infection control rules in a year’s time,” he said in an interview with VG on Saturday.

But the virus will hardly disappear. It could spread around the world, like today’s flu,” he added. 

Nakstad emphasized that he believes in a vaccine.

New mutations

“It is likely that some vaccine candidates will prove to have a good effect and few side effects – and be approved. 

“There is also a possibility that we get new virus mutations that require adjustment of the vaccine. It will be a challenge,” Nakstad noted.

He hopes the new measures will reduce the spread of infection.

“If compliance is good and the measures have an effect, it could take two to three weeks before we see a marked decline and probably another two to three weeks before the numbers go down significantly,” he concluded.

© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

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