Oslo: Accused 47-year-old man denies guilt for killing own mother

Oslo District CourtPhoto: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB

A 47-year-old man in Oslo is linked to the murder of his own mother that took place last autumn, but he denies criminal guilt.

According to the description of the crime in the indictment, the man inflicted serious injuries on his mother by using gross violence against her. The woman in her 60s died after being strangled, the indictment notes.

The woman was found killed in a house at Sofienberg on September 18. The son was arrested elsewhere in Oslo shortly afterward. Already in the initial interrogation of the man, it became known that he was connected to the crime scene and the time of the murder.

“He does not admit criminal guilt,” the man’s defender, lawyer Marijana Lozic, told news bureau NTB.

Oslo District Court has set aside four days for the murder case, which starts on Tuesday. The indictment also includes possession of 0.55 grams of amphetamine and just over 2 grams of cannabis, which he was carrying when he was arrested the night after the night of the murder.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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