A man has been sentenced to five and a half years in prison for abusing the leave rules related to the corona pandemic. He has to repay almost 10 million kroner.
Oslo District Court found the man in his 30s guilty of complicity in gross fraud of NOK 9.8 million and attempted gross fraud of an additional NOK 7 million.
He has also been sentenced to pay compensation to the NAV in the amount of NOK 9.9 million.
“In the summer of 2020, the Tax Administration and the NAV discovered that several companies reported a large number of people as employees just before they were laid off and claims for redundancy benefits were submitted. A large majority of the people reported back to the NAV that the working arrangements were not real,” police attorney Helge Vigerust wrote in a summary of the case.
“The case has revealed a network of people who were complicit and contributed in various ways, including personal information, companies, and bank accounts.”
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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