P4: Fewer and fewer Norwegians are getting tested for corona

Corona testingPhoto: Marit Hommedal / NTB

In the last week of October, 72,126 corona tests were registered at the corona testing stations in Norway. That is about half as many as before the country’s reopening, figures from the FHI show.

Fewer and fewer people visit testing stations to get tested for corona, P4 writes.

However, many people use home tests and self-tests, which are not registered in the National Institute of Public Health’s (FHI) statistics, assistant health director Espen Nakstad told P4.

He hopes everyone who notices corona symptoms will test themselves and believes it could be positive that people test themselves at home.

“At home, you can not infect anyone other than those you actually live with.” 

On Monday, 168 corona-infected patients were hospitalized in Norway.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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