The police will continue the search for the people that are still missing after the Gjerdrum landslide as soon as possible. However, they cannot say precisely when.
“That depends on many factors, including weather and driving conditions, as well as opportunities and challenges identified during the planning efforts,” Anders Mansaas in the Eastern Police District noted in a press release.
Last Wednesday, police said that there would probably be no new search effort before this week.
Three people who are believed to have died after the Gjerdrum landslide are still missing.
“Large area”
The relatives have asked for renewed efforts and more speed in the search process.
“The landslide area is large, and it is therefore important that the planning process is done in a good way so that we can carry out targeted searches,” he said, emphasizing the importance of safety for the search crews.
Seven people have been found dead after the landslide, which took place on Wednesday, December Police said.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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