All schools in Oslo are now being offered a course on how to talk to children about what is happening in Ukraine. At the same time, schools are checking their stocks of iodine tablets.
“Many children and young people experience what is happening as frightening. They see news broadcasts and short video clips where they witness people in a desperate and confusing situation. In school, we want to help students by talking about what is happening,” Marte Gerhardsen, director of Oslo Schools, stated.
She says that all schools in the capital have received practical help on how to talk to students and that they will be offered a course on how to talk to children and young people about what is happening in Ukraine.
Iodine tablets
In January 2020, all schools in Oslo were given iodine tablets as part of nuclear preparedness in Oslo Municipality.
“We have encouraged schools to review their plans and make sure they are up to date. In this connection, the schools will check the stocks of iodine tablets and whether they have (the necessary) consent of parents to distribute the tablets to the students,” Gerhardsen said.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayEducation
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VERY good to hear about the iodine tablets, but the J-kind do expire after a year or so, so that should be checked.
Even more reassuring – and vital – is the kids (and everyone!) knowing exactly where to go into fallout shelters, in the event of (very sudden) nuclear war and that Norwegian authorities – not vigilante or some other law – will be in control.
But as to what they are being told, will students be told the *whole* truth about this?