Statistics Norway: A record number of cabins is being built 

Photo: Geir Olsen / NTB

Last year, a record number of permits were granted for cabin construction in Norway, according to Statistics Norway (SSB). The cabin owners’ organizations are concerned about how the growth affects vulnerable nature.

According to the SSB, in 2021, 8,762 construction permits were granted for leisure building projects, which is an increase of almost 40% compared with the previous year.

The growth has been enormous in the last 20 years – an average of 14 new cabins have been built every single day, the newspaper Nationen writes.

The Norwegian Cabin Association (NHF) believes that construction has gotten out of control. Developers and municipalities are too unconcerned about the long-term negative consequences on nature.


“The consequence is that pollution in fishing lakes and rivers is growing, noise and light pollution increase at the same time as habitat areas for animals are destroyed. In some areas with massive cabin construction, nature is almost unrecognizable,” NHF head Trond G. Hagen warned.

Norsk Hyttelag expresses hope that the municipalities can intervene and slow down growth in cabin construction – at least somewhat.

“We hope and believe that there will be somewhat more restrictions in the future,” Secretary-General Audun Bringsvor of Norsk Hyttelag warned. 

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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