Parliamentary Representative Mazyar Keshvari, a former politician for the Progress Party (FRP), was sentenced to eleven months of prison after newspaper Aftenposten revealed that he had submitted false travel expense bills to the Storting over the course of several years.
The Court of Appeal sentenced the former FRP politician to seven months of prison, but the prosecution appealed the sentence to the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court decided to increase Keshvari’s (FRP) sentence. He has now been sentenced to eleven months in prison for fraud before the Storting.
Breach of trust
The Supreme Court concluded that the representative took advantage of the fact that no checks were made regarding whether the trips actually took place in the relevant period.
The Supreme Court emphasized that this was a serious breach of trust committed in the role of a parliamentary representative.
That provided a basis for increasing the penalty.
False travel expenses
In total, Keshvari submitted 73 fictitious travel expense bills for a total of NOK 450,000.
In 2018, Aftenposten revealed that Keshvari had received money for a number of trips that have not taken place.
Keshvari repaid the money in the meantime.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
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