VG: Thank you, Erna – and good luck, Jonas

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“A majority government can ensure the necessary stability and predictability. It will have better conditions for pursuing a comprehensive and responsible policy than a minority government that has to bargain on every single issue,” VG stated in an editorial entitled” Thank you, Erna – and good luck, Jonas.”

“The left in Norwegian politics has been strengthened through this election, but that does not mean that the promises the parties on the left have made through the election campaign can be implemented… The economic room for maneuver in the years ahead will be small,” the newspaper writes.

“While Erna Solberg’s government has been able to spend more than NOK 20 billion more – every single year – over the past eight years, the new government will have to tighten spending again.”

“The strengthened left has differing views on how Norway should relate to the world around it. But we assume that the general lines in (Norway’s) foreign policy will remain fixed, despite the fact that several of the parties on Støre’s side are opposed to both the EEA agreement and NATO.”

“Thank you – and good luck”

“Norway was ripe for a change. Erna Solberg’s government has ruled Norway steadily through the pandemic. We can all be grateful for that. But voters rarely make their choices based on what has been. They look ahead to what may come.”

“Then, it is natural that people want a change after eight years of the same prime minister. It is not necessarily an expression of dissatisfaction with the current leadership, but rather a desire for something new, for change.”

“Democracy is characterized by a peaceful change of power in elections. The loser withdraws voluntarily, in style, and the newcomer takes over and thanks his predecessor for the effort. “

“Today, there is reason to say thank you to Erna Solberg and her people for the tough work they have done for eight years. And wish good luck to Støre and those who will govern Norway in the years to come,” VG writes in today’s editorial.

Source: VG / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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