Eight men were sentenced to a total of 51 years in prison after large-scale drug seizures in Hedmark

Toll/ customs.Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum / SCANPIX

Eight men have been sentenced to a total of 51 and a half years in prison in Oslo district court after customs officers in Kongsvinger found over 300 kilograms of drugs in a minibus.


The eight, all men in their 20s, 30s and 40s were sentenced to between two and twelve and a half years in prison for having smuggled a total of 311 kilograms of drugs into Norway.

The seizure was made on November the 28th, 2015.

‘It was the biggest drugs haul we’ve ever had in Hedmark,’ said the section head of the Tolletaten in Kongsvinger, Morten Nystuen, to NRK news.

The customs officers found the drugs in 17 cardboard boxes and stitched into a bag. They consisted of 229 kilograms of hash, 40 kilograms of marijuana, 26.6 kilograms of amphetamine, 51,611 MDMA tablets, and 640 tranquillisers.

Among the eight men were Swedish and Norwegian citizens, as well as one Dutchman.


©  NTB Scanpix / Norway Today