In October, a person in Moss died after getting the coronavirus from an unvaccinated health worker

Gågata - MossPhoto: Heiko Junge / NTB

In October this year, a person died in Moss after being infected with coronavirus by an unvaccinated health worker employed by the Municipality. The Norwegian Board of Health Supervision has now been notified of the case.

The health worker did not know about the infection and had no symptoms at the time. In addition, a face mask was used. Later the same day, the health worker developed symptoms and tested positive for corona, the newspaper Moss Avis writes.

Later, the user of the health services from Moss also developed symptoms and was confirmed infected. Eventually, the person was admitted to Østfold Hospital. He died there.

“It is an unfortunate and sad situation when an employee passes on the infection to a user (of the health services). In the case in question, this happened despite the nurse using infection control equipment in accordance with the procedure,” Eli Thomassen, director of health in Moss Municipality, stated.

The Norwegian Board of Health Supervision has now asked the County Governor to consider an inspection of Moss Municipality.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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