MDG (The Greens) wants to wreck cars ASAP

MDG, Oil and GasMDG, National Convention, Photo:

MDG: wants to wreck cars in both urban and rural areas

At least one in five cars must be out of major cities by 2021, the Environmentalists in MDG Party suggest. The Greens wants to get rid of fossil vehicles the sooner the better.

In addition, a minority wants to put into the party program to get rid of 10 percent of the cars in rural areas by 2030. These will also have a that car traffic in cities must be reduced by one third before 2030.

The Central Board supports the majority demand for car traffic to be reduced by 20 per cent in the metropolitan areas during the next parliamentary term.

There is also internal disagreement and dissent on how fast fossil cars should be phased out in Norway.
The new party program is chiseled out during this weekend’s national congress in Lillehammer.

Meat free day

In total there are 13 dissents in the draft for the party program. Among other things, there will be discussion about whether there should be a requirement to 50 percent organic or locally produced food in public food purchases.

The congress will also decide whether public canteens should be required to have one meat-free day a week. The central committee, however, supports the dissent that MDG should be working for “a good vegetarian offer in public canteens”.

Another proposal advocates imposing penalties for countries that do not follow the Paris agreement and other environmental agreements.

Proposals such as voting rights for 16-year-olds and a 2 percent barrier limit for parliamentary elections will also create debate. The Central Board supports a proposal to terminate the BSU scheme. And the KRLE subject in school will be replaced by the subject of FRED – philosophy, religion, ethics and democracy.

Major restructuring

The Green’s program draft is otherwise recognizable. It will be more expensive to use plastic packaging, travel by air, using fossil cars and eating meat, but cheaper to choose environmentally friendly. Via climate reward should revenue from some fees be given back to the citizens.

The MDG will work to reduce working time for full-time work, so that reduced working hours will essentially replace real wage increases. But there is dissent on this issue.

In the overall economic policy will MDG phase out the oil and gas industry over a 20-year period and emphasize “quality of life and environmental sustainability ‘rather than economic growth.

At the same time, the program proposal is full of costly hikes. To finance a green change, MDG believes that it is “room for a certain increase in the overall tax rate”.

There is also room for airy visions. The Central Committee supports a proposed amendment in the next parliamentary term to consider a hyper loop between Oslo and Copenhagen which can cover both freight and passenger.

Struggling in the polls

MDG made a breakthrough in the last election, when the party’s spokesperson Rasmus Hansson was elected into Parliament.

The party aspired to grow the level of sister parties in Sweden and Germany up to 2017, but according to opinion polls, the development has stagnated.

After a long period of having more than 4 percent support in 2015, the party has now not been above the barrier limit since January last year.

The last three months MDG had a support of 2.7 percent on average nationwide polls, according to pollofpolls.

MDGs two spokespeople Une Aina Bastholm and Rasmus Hansson is not up for election this year.

On the other hand, Lars Gaupset is appointed as new party secretary.


© NTB Scanpix / Norway Today

1 Comment on "MDG (The Greens) wants to wreck cars ASAP"

  1. Rikard Odin Stadheim | 15. May 2017 at 19:09 |

    I am disappointed the emphasis has not been on the reduction of toilet paper use in Norway.
    We in the MDG want to eliminate excessive Toilet Paper use in both urban and rural areas. Said counties are “overwhelmed in sea of dr!ttpapir”.

    At least one in five rolls per package must be out of major cities by 2021, we Environmentalists in MDG Party suggest. The Greens wants to get rid of fat Rullehulls that require more paper; the sooner the better.

    In addition, a minority wants to put into the party program to get rid of 10 percent of the paper rolls in rural outhouses by 2030. These will also have a limit on the number of sheets used per BM. Total use must be reduced by one third before 2030.

    The Central Board supports the majority demand for sheet number to be reduced by 20 per cent in the metropolitan areas during the next parliamentary term. They acknowledge this will be a difficult task given that most members of Parliament reside in these areas, therefore total volume is much higher.

    There is also internal disagreement and dissent on how fast paper should be phased out in Norway.
    Our new MDG party program is “chiseled out” during this weekend’s national congress in Lillehammer. You could say it was a very cut and dried example.

    Meat free day

    In total there are 13 dissents in the draft for the party program. Among other things, there will be discussion about whether there should be a requirement to 50 percent organic or locally produced food in public food purchases. Sponsors acknowledge this requirement poses complications on the paper objective noted above.

    The congress will also decide whether public canteens should be required to have one meat-free day a week. The central committee, however, supports the dissent that MDG should be working for “a good vegetarian offer in public outhouses”.

    Another proposal advocates imposing penalties for countries that do not follow the Paris paper and meat agreement and other environmental agreements.

    Proposals such as voting rights for 10-year-olds and a 12-year-olds limit for parliamentary elections will also create debate. However, the Central Board presents a compelling argument that it will be an improvement over the current adult’s performance.
    The MDG will also work to reduce working time for full-time work, so that reduced working hours will essentially balance out more time required in the bathroom with a single sheet. But there is dissent on this issue.

    In the overall economic policy will be for MDG to phase out the oil and gas industry over a 2-year period and emphasize “quality of life and environmental sustainability” rather than economic growth. All should be required to live in tents, eat only seeds and vegetables, wipe only with leaves, and stop making things with metal.

    At the same time, the program proposal is full of costly hikes. To finance a green change, MDG believes that there is “room for a certain increase in the overall tax rate”. The 100% figure has been bandied about. “If the above guidelines are followed, there should be no need for anyone to have even an ore” is the argument.
    A requirement that membership in the MDG Party requires absolutely no meat intake, only one sheet of paper per BM, no use of cars or any public transportation that uses fossil fuels, and transportation only with wooden pogo sticks using bamboo springs was quickly voted down by the MDG, as “exceptions for certain party members are required to perform the good works more efficiently.”

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