A new record of coronavirus cases has been registered in Oslo in the last 24 hours – a total of 352 infected. That is 115 more than the average of the previous seven days, which was 237 infected people per day.
That is also 149 more than the average of the previous 14 days, which was 203 infected people per day.
The last time when a similar number of cases was reported was on Thursday, March 4, when 308 infected people were registered in the capital.
The number is also one of the highest since the pandemic started. On Sunday, March 8, last year, the highest number of 368 cases of infection was registered in the capital.
“A demanding time”
“The infection has spread after all holidays, including the winter holidays. Therefore, we put in place stricter measures last Tuesday and more measures on Monday this week.
“We hope to see the effect of these measures soon. This week we have unfortunately seen infection records, but the people of Oslo are now testing themselves so much that we also have many days with testing records.
“Keep testing yourself, keep your distance, and keep the number of contacts down,” Health Vice Mayor Robert Steen (AP) told news bureau NTB.
“This is a demanding time. Now we need… to stand together,” he said.
Very high infection pressure
In Oslo Municipality, 84 patients are now hospitalized due to coronavirus.
“There is now a very high infection pressure in the city, in all districts. We see a large increase in the number of people who become so ill that they are admitted to the hospital.
“It is important that our hospitals do not get too many corona patients, also because they must ensure treatment of patients who need help with, for example, chronic illness, cancer, or injuries,” Steen said.
He emphasized that the Municipality is now working on testing and detecting infection as quickly as possible to stop the infection and get people out of quarantine.
“When many are in quarantine, there is also higher sickness leave among those we need to keep society going: employees in elderly care, kindergartens, schools, public transport, cleaning, and many other important services. Therefore, the infection makes me uneasy, and we must all do what we can to get it down,” Steen added.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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