Two young women were robbed during the night between Tuesday and Wednesday by an intoxicated man with a syringe.
One of the women was stabbed in the arm with the syringe.
The perpetrator has not yet been arrested.
The two robberies happened just a few minutes apart in the center of Bergen, according to the West Police District (Vest politidistrikt).
The first woman was robbed in Markeveien and robbed of money and Airpods, but was not injured.
Stabbed in the arm with the syringe
The second woman was stabbed in the arm with the syringe in Strandgaten a few minutes later, but nothing was stolen.
She is now being treated in the emergency room.
The perpetrator in both cases was described as intoxicated.
The police suspect that the same person is responsible for both attacks.
They have all available patrols out searching for the man, but no one has been arrested yet.
The police were notified of the two robberies at 1:06 AM and 1:10 AM, respectively.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
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